boy walking along rope

Forest School

What is Forest School?

Forest School allows children the opportunity to learn through hands on experiences within a woodland setting. Forest School supports health and wellbeing, helping learners to develop their self-esteem and confidence. The sessions are child initiated but will integrate with the 6 Areas of Learning and Experience within the Successful Futures curriculum. The sessions are on a weekly or fortnightly basis, providing the group the opportunity to build relationships with each other, the leader and the environment. All sessions are delivered by an experienced, trained leader. Forest School provides excellent opportunities that:

  • Promote physical and mental health
  • Increase self-esteem & self-confidence
  • Improve listening and speaking skills
  • Contribute to the development of language
  • Improve children’s ability to work cooperatively
  • Improve physical coordination and motor skills
  • Forest Schools is also a very effective stimulus for learning back in the classroom
children forming a bridge

Sticks and Stones Outdoor Learning offer regular Forest School programmes and sessions with small groups. This is available on suitable school grounds or local green space. Advice and guidance available on developing Forest School sites and outdoor learning spaces. Contact Us to chat.

children examining forest items on a tray
children forming a bridge children examining forest items on a tray boy walking along rope